Testaments of Covenant - Inspired of God's breath
The New Testament is a collection of 27 books, of 4 different genres of Christian literature (Gospels, one account of the Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and an Apocalypse).
The New Testament was written primarily in Koine Greek, the language of the earliest extant manuscripts in the early Christian period. Even though some authors often included translations from Hebrew and Aramaic texts.
Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chapter, his verse numbers entering printed editions in 1551 (New Testament) and 1571 (Hebrew Bible) it should be noted here that in no way were these number systems inspired of God, they were put there only as a study tool to make finding scripture easier.
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The Absolute Truth of Absolute Inspiration |
Some scholars including me, believe that some books of the Greek New Testament (in particular, the Gospel of Matthew) are actually translations of a Hebrew or Aramaic original, because of the strong Hebrew background and Jewish connections to it.
I regard both the New (Covenant) and Old (Covenant) as the undiluted Word of God, spoken by God and written down in its perfect form by humans.
Please be aware that in telling them what to write down that he in no way was sectioning behaviors that they revealed BUT was simply letting them tell the true stories of God's people in all it's glory and sometimes in all it's "Darkness" as well.
God is after all the most honest author in existence. If God had only dealt with the times when his people were in obedience and doing the right thing we would have had a very short bible (To the happiness of all skeptics worldwide I'm sure!)
but even more than that skeptics would have had a real issue against scripture (For once!) saying that God "Cherry Picked" the stories of his people to fit into a perfect plan, but because God told the whole sorted story to reveal that his plan could not be stopped by man's sin but was in fact perfect in itself without man's help!
For it was the same Spirit of God that exercised His hidden influence on the thoughts and writings of both covenant writers revealing pointed details both in vision and inspired thought, who made of the works of those who lived before Our Lord appeared both the bad and the good an active and steady picture preparation for the New Covenant relationship with God which he was to introduce.
But the works of those who wrote after He came back from death's grip revealed a real continuation and striking fulfillment of what the old Covenant said, bringing to the forefront what all the old covenant seers could only wonder about at the time, not knowing fully what their lives meant to his plan, trusting only in God's ability to weave it together to form a perfect tapestry.
We all take for granted what the bible represents, because we can see it complete before our eyes, but put yourself in the shoes of those who suffered to get it to you from the earliest centuries forward and you cannot think such things of this most holy book on your lap.
What I am saying here is not book worship which most Christians engage in today but just plain and simple everyday "Common sense" to just see the facts about the bible as they are without your preconceived skeptical ideas, no book in history has undergone the scrutiny and tearing apart that the bible has endured and never once been disproved (Sure you come up with so-called problems that have been completely addressed over the years on many web-sites and books, but no real issues that prove that scripture is false.)
Please face the facts, dear skeptic, scripture is true, God is real and you must repent and trust him to truly see it for yourself!
Until you decide to trust him your questions will go basically unanswered because it is only in trust that answers come for belief follows trust not the other way around. Just as seeing demands you Look, so True faith cannot come until real trust exists.
( Children do not believe what their parents say, they simply trust that they are right and over time that trust develops into a system of belief in what their parents tell them is true, but because human beings are imperfect and do not always tell true things, children develop "mistrust" because what they were told as children turns out to be untrue as adults which in turn makes trusting a Father God very difficult.)
Scripture cannot be overturned by man's hand, it is the most provable and perfect word ever given to men to improve their condition and thus to improve our planet. The problem is not with the bible but with it's critics because no matter how much evidence is presented to prove it to be of God, no matter how convincing the proof, no matter how the facts cannot be eluded the skeptics will not repents...why?
"The Bible cannot be true silly man because there's no God and thus because there's No God there can be no Word from a God who isn't there!" And they then state that we hold circular reasoning believing that the Bible is true because it says so, but if that were the end of the reasons I would agree.
However the Bible is supported by many outside sources from itself that prove it to be unique.
They do not want proof or evidence, they only want us to shut up and go away, leave them to their sin and let them alone. It is not based upon real interest in finding answers for the majority of skeptics out there, it is simply a childish mindset of "The facts only confuse the real issue of, it's my life and I determine what "proof" is and is not to me.
There are no set rules (or Absolutes of Truth) as Christians say there are to prove the bible true." Now this is not what all skeptics think, but only the ones who everyone believes represent the skeptics mindset. It's time that we demand that Evidence and proof NOT be set aside, not be trashed just because it goes against what I believe.
Truth must be upon a rock of immovable facts (Absolutes) and not in the sand of changing opinions of men. I for one am sick of so-called scholars telling me WHAT to believe and presenting half baked reasons to believe it that way, it's time we all think for ourselves but with absolute standards! If there are NO absolute standards to base things on then what makes any skeptic know if what they believe is true is in fact true? Without a real foundation of evidence to go on, any argument you present against God can be turned against your argument creating an endless circle of silly, unending madness!
The Bible is called the Holy Scripture and Word of God for good reasons. The Old Testament, is the collection of books written prior to the life of Jesus, but accepted by Christians as scripture because these books foretell of the savior to come in great detail impossible by any numerical system in existence today.
The Bible includes the Rabbinic Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament, which relates the life and teachings of Jesus, the letters of the Apostle Paul and other disciples to the early church and the Book of Revelation.
The New Testament refers to the threefold division of the Hebrew Scriptures: the law, the prophets, and the writings. The New Testament writers assumed the inspiration of the Old Testament, probably earliest stated in 2 Timothy 3:16 which may be rendered "All Scripture is inspired (breathed into) of God" or "Every God-inspired Scripture is profitable for teaching.
Throughout His teaching, Jesus often quotes the Old Testament, declaring that He did not come to destroy the Jewish Scriptures, but to fulfill them. "No Scripture," said Spurgeon, "is exhausted by a single explanation". The Scripture is a bottomless well of wisdom and instruction waiting to be eaten and digested into the life of those who read it's teaching in Faith and by Trust.
You see, for all the angered mistrust and insulting gestures given by the skeptic over and over again there is not the least bit of what it takes to have it revealed to them the Scriptures reality- simply Faith and Trust without which they cannot ever see the truth!
Inspiration means that "the Holy Spirit of God superintended the human writers in the production of Scripture so that what they wrote was precisely what God wanted written both the thought and the intent. Biblical inspiration is the doctrine in Christian theology concerned with the divine origin of the Bible and what the Bible teaches about itself. The Bible contains many passages in which the authors claim divine inspiration for their message, or report the effects of such inspiration on others, it also contains the truthfully communicated human thoughts and intents of those who hate God and his message.
In addition, Biblical inspiration can be corroborated by examining the weight of the Bible's moral teaching and its prophecies about the future and their fulfillment. Different groups understand the meaning and details of inspiration in different ways only because of personal agendas and doctrinal upbringings, this does not disprove scripture at all but reinforces what it says about man's capacity to be deceived and to deceive others.
I consider biblical inerrancy and/or biblical infallibility to be the necessary consequence of the Bible's doctrine of inspiration, though not all of us see it that way. At times this view has been criticized as tending toward a dictation theory of inspiration, where God speaks and a human records his words.
The theory which is commonly described as that of "verbal inspiration" is precise because When you break the doctrine of inspiration down to its essential elements, there are seven key factors that stand out to you:
1) Divine origin and causality; (Absolute truth come from an absolute cause)
2) Human agency; (By which the absolute cause could relate absolute truth through, as ink flows trough a pen)
3) Written verbally (in words, the creative picture makers that flood our thoughts forming our actions);
4) Plenary (all of Scripture is inspired, not just parts of it, it must be inspired in totality or not at all. WHY? Because of what it deals with...man's eternal destiny. If some were not inspired then some of the bible is out of God's control...that is impossible!;
5) Only the "Autographs" (the original documents penned by the biblical authors) are inspired (This is true only because man has tried so hard with demonic help to both change and improve upon what he originally said through translations of men); Because Scripture is inspired, it is
6) inerrant (In the original it is impossible for any mistake to have been made.); and Because Scripture is inspired and inerrant, it alone has
7) final authority upon all things in life and in eternity.
The word inspiration literally means "God-breathed" in the Greek. The Holy Spirit is the Agent of Inspiration Second Peter 1:21 tells us that "prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. In other words, how one views revelation and inspiration will determine how he views the Bible's authority.
I've learned that inspiration can come from anywhere in scripture, from the smallest word to the largest chapter or book. In the moment that inspiration hits you see the vision, it all seems so clear, it makes sense, it works. An inspiration which is not accompanied by a revelation, which is adapted to the normal play of the faculties of the human soul, which can determine the will of the inspired writer by motives of a human order, does not necessarily suppose that he who is its object is himself conscious of it.
Because I hold that even the words are inspired I believe that it also forms an integral part of the grace of inspiration itself. Because of this there is no denying that the inspiration extends, in one way or another, and as far as needful, to all those who have really cooperated in the composition of the sacred test, especially to those who penned it down, the inspired word, then is the most comprehensive notion of Divine inspiration.
The bible does not just contain inspired events and words, the Bible is the embodiment of God himself from cover to cover! God is revealed part by part in small pictures until the whole picture of his total plan is opened in the book of the revelation of saint John and finally culminating in the Word of God coming from heaven to Judge mankind.
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